Public, hearsay and without authorization, Bataille commented on by a friend.
Aaahhh, Bataille, Bataille! What memories! I was so giòòòvane. It was not just the erotic literary ...
To be honest I do not have good memories of his books - I'm talking about literature and style, of course - but some erotic images are so powerful that I still found.
From 'The Story in the eye "to open the case :
... hand wet with saliva had seized my member, until the erection illascivendolo while a hot kiss touched the depths of my ass, his bare chest, bare legs of a woman clinging to mine, in a frenzy orgasmante. "
But the most powerful is the scene of violent Simona when a priest is a growing eroticism aimed at dismantling / destruction before the confession, then the Eucharist (the host "knows of semen"), wine (if it was really blood, would drink red wine, but drink
white, knowing full well that the urine ") and finally man-priest (" Don Caminade loudly of urine filled the cup held by Simon under his hard penis. Now you drink, "said Sir Edmond. It was a miserable drunk that of the priest, in an ecstasy foul ..) Well not exactly edifying
But there's more and even worse when Simon "into her flesh" a dead-eyes of his Marcella extracted from the orbit of the dead Sir Edmond with the scissors - the narrator says: "I miei occhi, mi sembrava, erano divenuti erettili a forza di orrore, nella vulva vellutata di Simona
vidi l'occhio blu pallido di Marcella che mi guardava, piangendo lacrime d'orina. Scie lattee di seme nella peluria soffice davano a quella visione un carattere di dolorosa tristezza, Tenevo divaricate le cosce di Simona, finchè l'orina bollente scorse sull'occhio e sulla coscia più bassa."
Che ne dite? Ora che rileggo, per me è una vera schifezza, ma cosa volete farci, quando si è ragazzi tutto sembra bello (perchè nuovo?). Sorvolo sull'insipienza....
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