Monday, March 14, 2011

Ikusa Otome Valkyrie 2 Online

The voice of flowers!

When the soul
I Fell
desperate escapes
on a nostalgic
lawn covered
wave without wisdom
and bare ground
the wings of an insect
that lead
where the nectar
can sweetened
flowers voice
and petals
as the
and dew
l’umido lussureggiante.
Questo è l’incanto!
E’ il ritrovar
tra foglie e ramoscelli
la mia carnalità
e condurla a te
parlandoti con l’idioma
d’un fiore
facendoti dono
d’ogni suo petalo
mentre di rugiada
Immagine firmata e tratta da Google

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Homade Heartburn Cure

not open those curtains! A

Vorreste aprire
queste tende pesanti
per darmi la luce
but I still sleep
and leave me alone!
I stuck eyelashes
to defend
And if I drink my time
without dreaming
tell me ....
where written
that I should wake up?
And if sleeping
dissolve doubts
problems, pain and thoughts
I can not live ; today the
and forget about yesterday.
I stuck eyelashes
and lethargy m'è mother
panacea that rocks me
m'astengo from
will and conscience
my food anything
But I still sleep
leave me alone
I do not want the light
I I want to wake
I do not want this
I just want to sleep
without dreaming!
Image taken from Google

Help A Bearded Dragon With Ear Infection


reality is never as single and unified truth, but ultimately we must make a summary of what we are finite and there happens the casino ... Maybe you see a single turning whirling bull?