Monday, February 28, 2011

Sound Blaster(r) X-fi Mb


This morning I lost
in my pajamas
wrapped in the robe
And there was silence
what I felt
absence of noise more than anything else!

The sun has been done then see
without heat, with its light
and a bird began to chirp
there ... where I drop the
mollichine Tablecloth
every evening in the garden
there, under my stairs!

I kept looking
even after I dressed
but I found
only a small part of me,
the other is nowhere else!


Men Wearing Panties And Girdles


last night with dinner and Carlo Martella Old Monastery where we ate very well for a while.
Remember, by 4 to Felline Church, where there was the potato festival 0833985105.

The wind and salt digregano even the most stone 'tender ....

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No one in the open countryside of Puglia had never seen a portfolio work! It took a 'striaco as the Bo-diuresis-ners to bring such news.

expect a tour SPISAL, Provincial Department of Labour, Social Security and to see more chess news ...

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FOUNDRY "lost wax"

The picture is a bit 'dark, but there are 99 trees, one hectare, a Liama \u200b\u200bstudio: the perfect place to make a new art foundry located close to Tariana.
The price is not just desirable, but someone who throws money in a caravan in this world there must be ...??!!

Oltrettutto Savior who lends us Alice (the usual mignottona that 'the line at all) did the art school and did internships at the foundry Battle of Milan ... We già avanti!!

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Sempre nei giri persi per quel di Torre Pali, che d'inverno ha l'attrattiva di un calamaro pieno di fango cioè fascinoso, abbiamo trovato un sant'antonio con altare dotato di pubblicità che pensiamo di affittare in modo che il migliore possa essere tra di noi la prossima volta

Olympus Om10 Slr Camera For Sale

Discover the sea?

Ascoltando le avventure di Carlo con il mare a chi non verrebbe voglia di partire per catturare finalmente la balena sfuggita ad Achab??
Alcuni di noi la barca ce l'hanno ed hanno rischiato il naufragio canale della Giudecca... forse ci sono posti piu' quiet in the "charming" Torre Pali ... apart from the quay front scoglione ...

Who will live, will sail?

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Sweet Syndrome In Dogs

Want It Now your thinking!

I do not know what I would give
to read
that thought
that shadows and reflections
transforms your face
look at my question!
The cat licks his whiskers
The question of a moment ...
the phone ring
shaking of an eye
in my mirror and
your image

Saturday, February 26, 2011

427 Ss Silverado Concept For Sale


as say some critics, I like the view: roofs and chaos after the horizon ...

... hard and thorny plants grow with a bit of everything ... roots even as I put no special treatment!
... there are wonderful works of art! rocco true?

yesterday after rain, snow and cold, as we entered in Preston appeared the setting sun with a perfect yellow and moving.

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best Mandarin completely infested nigra

the nigra to its limits ... where there is more 'wet

dove c'è il sole, meno... il sole purifica...
La prima trasmissione che ho visto, dopo il rugby, è un tg regionale con un demente che parla di "salento libero".... Saranno mica arrivati anche qui?
Siamo noi che portiamo il virus o l'umidità??

Il gestore della "rua de li travaj" di patu' saluta anto e vuole sapere quando va a rete veneta perchè così la segue e le manda messaggi. Anche Giovanardi è stato l'estate scorsa da lui (!! voleva mandarlo via!!)

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Today it's sunny, but the humidity there and you see .... Penates too are born protectors of the place!

Kitchen Table In Everybody Loves Raymond


suitable temperature 1 ° C, sleet, wind .... but the spring of SOLOSOLO andrea?

I Have Crutches And Nothing On My Leg


Cars with automatic transmission purchased in about 35 minutes ... with the risk of "spacious" Panda yellowish

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Tomorrow ... Words

Customary evening
of movements that
lead to sleep
and arousal
confides dream
nel nuovo giorno
Ed il miracolo resta
abbracciato al Sole

Friday, February 25, 2011

My 7 Year Oldhas Sore Muscles


lì dove il cielo
si siede
e l’acqua mai s’arresta
and runs free
between smooth stones and gems
and leaves scattered all around,
a bare hand
wash rhymes, words, thoughts
extol the fabric
animating a new
And thank goodness
protector and confessor
from cleaning
la poesia rinasce
tra sassi e gemme
e foglie
tutt’attorno sparse 
che ignari piedi

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Commercial Dishwasher Fl


Buon giorno, Dottor Linus
Sit down, Madam ....
Alda Maria Enrica Belmonte from Marapota married in Viteterna
How old is he?
94 or 95, I do not remember, I have lost count, you know every time I happen to not remember well, eh eh eh!
Well, it is normal, since she 's made of welded tubes and transistors on the boards of Bakelite
That is out of step with the times. Today we are far advanced, there are chips and microchips
So what?
And then it's a problem. Are no longer on the market and I certainly can not cure it securely with the pond
But I already spend all my doctor pension bills and rent and taxes ... how do I do? I do not feel not so good, you know ..........
I believe you spend that much. She is definitely not like that low. His eyes do not pay attention to energy saving bulbs and see other. Fortuna che d’ora in poi toglieranno anche quelle dal commercio Diventerò cieca?
Ma, non è detto, quelli della sua generazione, quelli ancora in vita intendo, sono fatti anche di Eternit e dopo, sarà un problema anche smaltirvi......
Ma il mio cervello ancora pensa e funziona, Dottore. Non sono, almeno credo, da rottamare!
No no, lei non è buona neanche per gli incentivi sulla rottamazione, forse non mi sono spiegato bene
No no, it was explained very well though ..... I continue to be puzzled. It 's a Geriatrician, right? Of those with a degree in medicine mean!?!
I, dear Madam, I speak a language Java and read in Acrobat, are equipped with firewall and I do not focus, then you can not even make me jump a nerve if still does not understand or if it passes the offenses
.. But Doctor, I am a human being even if the old do not understand these expressions
Yes, unfortunately she is old. Now women are flat screen and thin, a few remained at the plasma because now see the LED or LCD to cry. She, at most, use the old system Pal, if still unable to distinguish colors
Poor me, what shall I do to relieve my pain if there is no cure?
I can try to address the ASL and see if it is the exemption of the ticket on the unijunction transistor to make them wake up some momentum and increase the pressure before that happens a short circuit.
Really Doctor? She would do this for a poor old bones creaking, the curtains down on dry eyes and breasts reduction along the abdomen and the feet and hands twisted by arthritis? I really would? His humanity is staggering .... To think that I've been judging evil. I ask your forgiveness. I can once again make love to my husband then? You know, it spent so much time since I almost why I reserved as my last wish. After .... I may even die
Coomeeee? At her age, she thinks to get a good fuck before I die? It is to say to me? There is a limit to everything, my Lady! But he still believes that the G spot?
I do not know what I'm G-spot, in my day it was born at home, but I know I still have the desire to love and live and pray the rosary with my old crown, while you will send a SMS to his God because I knew Doctor, you have only lost my precious time. We old we just resign and move along as quickly as possible. At one time, before the letter G, was the F, which was soon to become a me and after H, the silent one that does not have to talk, especially women. The G, in my day, was the beginning of words such as: Grazie, Gratitudine, Giovinezza, Gioco, Generosità e soprattutto Giustizia ed il punto, quello giusto, veniva dopo ed era fatto così “!”
Della serie: l'amore non ha età - Rispettiamo gli anziani - Ascoltiamo gli anziani - Doniamo tutti una parola che inizia con la lettera G ad ogni nostro anziano -

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Volleyball Spandex, Camel Toe

Destination Paradise!

L’ansia corre
parallela ai binari
Il treno fermo
is there
waiting for me
In case my life
Tomorrow .....
Tomorrow we will go up
And my eyes can
a whole
the window
'll watch landscapes Flying
that mark the the path
distances and cut
Tomorrow ....
Each station
surpass a doubt
away the past
the My suitcase
is in your hands.

Monica Roccaforte Filmografia