Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Using Round Paper Lanterns As Centerpieces


After a pause, in short, the blog will resume its activities. Meanwhile
rapid updates ... its very fast, unfortunately .. since when there have been no improvements on the situations of extreme dirt found in previous posts .. particularly the area near the bag market is still in the same situation (in fact it is even worse ...), or is now a real small illegal dump ..

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Install Belt In Yamaha Nytro

slams billboards

In the pictures you can see the magnificent panorama that presents itself at the crossroads between Via and Via Fucini Bufalotta / Viaduct Gronchi ... a veritable jungle of uncontrolled hideous billboards ..

Friday, July 9, 2010

What Does This Statue Reveal About Greek Values?

Practical demonstration and clear "theory of broken glass"

days after the remains of the scooter have been abandoned along Via Albertazzi, someone thought to move a old TV ...
E 'proof (but there was not need) that the degradation engages a vicious circle, if this scrap will not be removed short of the others will be added ..

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Why Is My Hair Thinning At 32

"flowerbed" (in theory) on the corner of Via Sacchetti and because of sniper / Bandello

After months and months have finally decided to cut the grass present in these areas (we refer to the area, abandoned .. next to the market) came to more than 1 meter in height, and this is what we found ... basically a small illegal dump ..

Gay Crusing Spots In Orlando

Via Albertazzi (Talent)

This is the situation, always, always, the sidewalk of Via Albertazzi, busy street near Via Franco Sacchetti ... There is also a scooter (or rather the remains ..) abandoned.

Licensed Mechanic Ontario

Degradation and "broken glass "

may seem a minor problem, but it is not negligible, the degradation Urban is the first sign of something larger, a decline of civil society.
If there is no respect for the 'Res Public' unlikely there will be respect for others, attention to issues other than those strictly related to their backyard, desire and will to improve the quality of life.

dirt, neglect, abandonment, pollution atmsoferico that is visible or audible, total lack of respect for basic rules of coexistence, illegal ... are the main forms in which it is manifested as urban decay. Responsible for everything people are on one side, on the other those who administer and manage the city, but in a sense, these two shares are the same, each director is also a citizen and every resident should safeguard the public good is through his behavior virtuous, and engaging in person.
In 1982, two American scholars of criminal policy, Wilson and Kelling published an article in a magazine, which first outlined the theory of broken windows [JQ Wilson and G. Kelling, Broken windows . The Police of Neighborhood Safety, in Atlantic Monthly, March 1982, pp. 29-38]. According to this theory, "if a window of an abandoned building is broken by someone, and shall not be repaired urgently, soon all the windows will be broken at some point someone will enter the building illegally, some time after the entire building will become the theater of vandalism. "
Cosa c’entrano vetri e finestre con i fenomeni criminali? Secondo Wilson e Kelling, «il degrado urbano indurrebbe nella comunità un senso di abbandono, di mancata attenzione da parte dell’autorità, destinato a facilitare comportamenti devianti. Il degrado eleva la soglia di indifferenza della comunità urbana verso varie forme di devianza, con la conseguenza di produrre il consolidamento di culture criminali» [questa sintesi della teoria del vetro rotto è tratta da: Alessandro De Giorgi, Zero Tolleranza. Strategie e pratiche delle società di controllo, Derive e Approdi, Roma 2000, pag. 106]. Detto in altri termini: per combattere efficacemente la criminalità, must firmly counter and in a small capillary disorders newspapers, degradation and the immoral and deviant behavior of minor or even irrelevant in terms of penalty.